söndag 30 mars 2014

Dr Terry Wahls: The Wahls Protocol, how to reverse Multiple Sclerosis


Minding Your Mitochondria: Dr. Terry Wahls at TEDxIowaCity

Dr Terry Wahls

The Whals Protocol

00:35 - so often the truth about health, is controlled by gatekeepers
  • TED Talk with a huge red warning
02:08 - healing yourself using real food
  • Dr Terry Wahls, heal yourself from multiple sclerosis through food

05:15 - 1/3 of people with MS within 10 years have some level of grave disability. 1/2 of such a severe fatigue that they have to leave the workforce.

14:05 - how did you eat before this

  • Vegan for 15 years

  • Grew up on a farm (not organic) plenty of conventional Pesticides, Herbicides etc

17:00 - 2007 sitting in a wheelchair, presumably for the rest of the life, what happen next

  • Pubmed studies

  • Mitochondria is key

  • Adding Vitamin

22:55 - Discovered Loren Cordaian's work and started eating Meat after that

23:55 - Now the Magic starts to happen, (when doing:)

  • Electrical therapy (november)
  • Functional medicines Vitamins and supplements (november-December)
  • Food plan

  • Walking without a cane (March)

  • Riding a bike for the first time in 6 years (May)

25:35 - MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is not something that normally happens

  • Secondary progressive MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

26:45 - What does science have to say about this recovery

  • 3 neurologist has confirmed MS (from one of the internationally recognised best MS hospital) but still Doctors think it was misdiagnosed. (since she recovered by food)
  • Over 100 studies, but we don't know what are the factor that cause MS

30:45 - Other results with this diet (the Wahls Diet) other than MS

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Febrile myalgia

  • ETC

35:40 - What is the Wahls diet?

  • Plate full of green leaves
  • Plate full of sulfur rich vegetables
  • Plate full of bright color

  • High quality Protein (e.g. Grass fed beef, wild fish, organ meat, seaweed)
36:53 - Why do this work?

  • If we eat a lot of Sugar, High fructose corn syrup, white flower, we are going to be missing the building blocks necessary to have our Biocemestry happen properly, blocks necessary to have our Biochemistry happen properly.

  • Broken chemistry is the beginning of every disease process

  • The Paleo diet are very superior to the standard American diet, but...

41:00 - Why Sulfur rich foods

43:30 - Why are we all getting fat/Sick?

  • Inflammation

  • Missing building blocks

torsdag 20 mars 2014

Study - Saturated Fats Dont Cause Heart Disease


We’ve been told for years that consuming greasy foods will lead us to an early grave. The explanation that saturated fats cause premature death by clogging our arteries and destroying our hearts is a popular story. In this vein of thinking, many physicians continue to advocate for the “heart-healthy” low saturated fat diet. However, times are changing, and the body of evidence no longer supports this hypothesis.

A landmark study, published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reviewed the body of evidence substantiating these fat-phobic claims, looking at more than 500,000 people and their risk of heart disease from fat intake. The results are extraordinary.

Read the whole story

Annals of Internal Medicine
Association of Dietary, Circulating, and Supplement Fatty Acids With Coronary Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Background: Guidelines advocate changes in fatty acid consumption to promote cardiovascular health.
Purpose: To summarize evidence about associations between fatty acids and coronary disease.

Read the whole report

tisdag 18 mars 2014

Huvudvärk och Gluten!

Dietary factors are known triggers for migraine headaches. The most commonly implicated foods are wheat and dairy products. We present a case study of a patient with a 30-year history of debilitating migraine headaches who showed no benefit from various pharmaceutical interventions. Special panels for gluten and cross- reactive foods and a multiple autoimmune reactivity screen revealed significantly high levels of antibodies against wheat proteomes, transglutaminase, and dairy-related antigens. Not only did the implementation of a gluten-free and dairy-free diet result in an amelioration of the migraine headache symptomatology, the clinical improvements correlated with a significant decline in the levels of a majority of the previously elevated anti-bodies. This finding indicates that diet plays a significant role in a subgroup of patients with migraine headaches.

söndag 9 mars 2014

The Sad Saga of Saturated Fat by By Jeff Volek and Steve Phinney 14 May / 2013

Here’s a fascinating paradox.  Over the last 4 decades, nutrition policy makers have increasingly exhorted us to eat less saturated fat.  As a result of this unremitting message, the general population believes this single nutrient, if not overtly toxic, will at least cause wide-spread bodily damage.  Additionally, foods that naturally contain saturated fat (e.g., beef, pork, dairy, eggs, and tropical oils) have been branded ‘unhealthy’.   The paradox here is that as the drum-beat against saturated fats has increased, the actual science supporting this message has fallen into shambles.  So here’s our question:  should we all just be good citizens and swallow this advice, even if the science behind it no longer pasts muster?
Two generations of researchers have tried to prove that eating saturated fat causes heart disease.  Rather than growing stronger, as would be the case if this hypothesis were rock-solid, increasingly the scientific data is painting a picture more akin to ‘low fat Swiss cheese’ (i.e., not much there besides the holes). Take, for example, multiple recent meta-analyses of large populations followed carefully for decades, examining what they eat and what they die of [1-4]   All show no consistent association between dietary saturated fat intake and risk for heart disease or death from all causes.  In fact some of these studies show just the opposite – an inverse association of dietary saturated fat intakes and atherosclerosis or stroke.  Interestingly, they also suggest that one’s risk for a coronary event increases when dietary saturated fat is reduced and replaced by carbohydrate.
Here’s the problem as we see it.  By continuing to provoke fear about the harmful effects of saturated fat, the likely response is that people will seek out foods low in fat and higher in carbohydrate. And in reality, that’s exactly what appears to be happening.  According to a government-funded survey [5], Americans have decreased their consumption of saturated fat and replaced those calories with an even greater amount of carbohydrate.  This dietary flip-flop of trading away saturated fat and replacing it with carbohydrate has occurred in the same time interval as rates of obesity and diabetes have rocketed skywards.  This might be coincidence, or more likely it’s an extremely unfortunate unintended consequence.

Read More


PubMed - Impact of buttermilk consumption on plasma lipids and surrogate markers of cholesterol homeostasis in men and women


Buttermilk consumption may be associated with reduced cholesterol concentrations in men and women, primarily through inhibition of intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Jeff Volek - The Many Facets of Keto-Adaptation: Health, Performance

01:14 - Jeff Volek have been study Low Carbbohydrate Diets for about 15 years (since about 1998)
02:17 - Why don't these diets get more publicity
03:35 - Sweden Becomes First Western Nation to Reject Low-fat Diet Dogma in Favor of Low-Carb High-fat Nutrition
  • 16'000 studies was reviewed  over a 2 year period

05:37 - The Problem
  • 1/3 of Americans are Obese
  • 200 Billion Dollars are spent annually on Obesity
06:00 - Exercise and Weight loss:
  • Small but very, very controlled Study
  • Twins exercise twice a day

11:55 - Personalized Nutrition... Where to start
  • Carbohydrate
    • Insulin control access to the fat cells, Insulin is tied to carbohydrates

15:25 - about 200 Kcal/day extra in Carbohydrate

16:00 - Total Sugar in the blood stream at any moment, Answer: 8 Grams or 2 teaspoons

17:40 - Lipogenesis (lipogenesis the formation of fat from non fat sources)
Lipogenesis is the process by which acetyl-CoA is converted to fatty acids

18:45 - Insulin Resistance = Carbohydrate Intolerance
  • Diabetes = Side Effect of Consuming too Much Carbohydrate relative to a Person's Tolerance

21:50 - The A to Z Study (Gardner et al. JAMA 2007)

22:20 - Carbohydrate Metabolism Vs Fat-based Metabolism
  • Fatty Acid / Ketone Metabolism
    • Regression of cancer tumours
    • Life Extension
    • Reduce Oxidative Stress
    • More or Less Anti Aging

24:45 - Insulin is the most Important Physiological inhibition of lipolysis

26:00 - Ketosis and the Brain
  • when in Ketosis 50% of the brain's energy comes from Ketones
  • when in Ketosis 40% of the brain's energy comes from Glucose
  • when in Ketosis 10% of the brain's energy comes from Acetoacetate
  • The brain uses about 600 kcal/day

28:25 - Ketone Terminology
  • Ketones
  • Ketosis
  • Nutritional Ketosis
  • Ketoacidosis
  • Keto adaptation
  • Unless you are Type 1 diabetic you don't have to worry about Ketoacidosis

29:48 - The Ketone Zone
30:55 - Keto-adaptation dramatically alters the hypoglycemic threshold
32:20 - Ketones don't generate as many free radicals
34:50 - Science of Low Carbohydrate Diets
35:25 - Low carbohydrate diets are more likely to affect global improvement in markers associated with metabolic syndrome (Forsythe et al. 2008)
  • Body Mass
  • Ab Fat
  • TG (Triglycerides)
  • TG AUC
  • HDL
  • TG/HDL
  • ApoB/ApoA-1
  • Small LDL
  • Glu
  • Insulin
  • HOMA
  • Leptin
  • Total SFA

37:15 - Dietary Saturated Fat and Heart Disease
  • No correlation
  • if you replace the fat with Carbohydrate the risk Increases for Heart Disease

38:50 - Plasma Saturated fat Predicts Heart Disease

40:00 - Comparison of low fat and low carbohydrate diets on circulating fatty acid composition and markers of inflammation (Lipids. 2008 Jan;43(1):65-77. Epub 2007 Nov 29.)
  • Despite being higher in Saturated Fat, a Low Carbohydrate diet decreased circulating levels of SFA

41:30 - On a Low Carbohydrate diet the Saturated fat is digested into Co2 (Carbon dioxide) and H20 (Water)
  • The effect of Dietary Saturated fats are are highly dependent on the carbohydrate that you eat with the fat
  • Dietary Saturated fat has very little to do with Correlation with Plasma levels of saturated fat (fat stored on the body)

42:30 - With Ketogenic Diet you can Prevent and reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Middle east has the highest rates of Diabetes, almost twice the rate of America

43:20 - Ketogenic Diet and Cancer
44:17 - Ketogenic diet as a treatment paradigm for diverse neurological disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Aging
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Mitochondrial Disorders
  • Brain Trauma
  • Autism
  • Migraine
  • Depression
  • Wound Healing

45:50 - Tim Olsen Wins 2012 Western State 100 with time 14 hours 46 minutes (track record)
46:25 - F.A.S.T.E.R (Fat Adapted Substrate oxidation in Trained Elite Runners)
47:41 - Peak Fat Burning (grams/minute) maximum value was believed to be 1.0

  • High level Ketogenic athlete performs, 1.8 grams/minute (Off the chart, the chart only goes to 1.2 science 1.0 is Maximum)

lördag 8 mars 2014

SBU - Mat Vid Fetma - Sidan 18

SBU. Mat vid fetma. En systematisk litteraturöversikt. Stockholm: Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering (SBU); 2013. SBU-rapport nr 218. ISBN 978-91-85413-59-1.

Mat Vid Fetma Sidan 18

Insjuknande i typ 2-diabetes.
Personer med fetma har kraftigt ökad risk för diabetes. Risken att insjukna i diabetes är lägre hos dem som dricker alkohol och hos dem som dricker mycket kaffe, men den är högre hos dem som dricker söta drycker. Däremot leder inte råd om lågfettkost till minskad risk att insjukna i diabetes jämfört med råd om en kost med standardinnehåll av fett, bland kvinnor med fetma som har passerat klimakteriet.

Hela rapporten (PDF)